Once a year I like to take stock of what I’ve done over the past twelve months. Sometimes it’s hard to quantify what I’ve accomplished but that’s not true with the Rapp series. When you pile it up, the stack actually gets taller. My annual Most-Complete-Collection-Of-Rapp-Novels-In-The-World pic, has become the hourglass that measures my journey … more
These days, book tours involve a combination of in-person events, radio segments, and one of my favorite forms of media, podcast interviews. In case you missed these conversations during the weeks when I was promoting the book, here are a few links to get you up to speed on the current state of Mitch Rapp … more
Oath of Loyalty has been on shelves for more than two months now, and I just recently finished up the last of the tour appearances and the podcast interviews. Next month I’ll share links for all the interviews in case you missed a few segments. While I was on the road promoting the book in … more
Despite being a writer for more than two decades now, it’s hard to articulate the thrill of seeing my name on the New York Times bestseller list. When you consider how many books are published in the country every year, the odds against securing a spot are enormous. The continued enthusiasm of fans of … more
A Thank You To Fans I’m so excited for readers to finally be able to finish the saga I unveiled in Enemy at the Gates. Mitch’s latest mission in Oath of Loyalty is, for him, the most important of his career. I’m curious to hear what you think. I can’t believe that today I’m celebrating … more
Oath of Loyalty is on sale September 13, 2022! This year, I’m looking forward to going out on the road again to talk to readers in person. Before the official launch of the book, I’ll be at Bouchercon, the annual convention for mystery and thriller fiction that’s being held in Minneapolis this year. If you’re … more
I love living in Spain, but after a year there I always start to think of my home in Wyoming. It usually unfolds as a simple memory—the heavy scent of evergreen trees, the sudden cold at sunset, watching thunderheads roll in over the mountains. At some point these musings become a distraction that causes me … more
While based in Spain this year, I’ve squeezed in a lot of travel between research and writing the next Mitch Rapp saga. I’ve been sharing stories and photos from the road lately, and this will be the last entry. We’re wrapping up our time in Europe and soon I’ll be back at my desk in … more
Cádiz, Province and City Even though I spend a lot of time in this part of the world, there are still many places I haven’t visited yet. Each of the provinces has a feel of its own so I enjoy jumping in a car and heading off in a random direction. A few months ago, … more
Readers often ask me if I think there are real Mitch Rapps out there and I recently had the honor of going to a place where many of them fought: Normandy, France. It would actually be hard to write some of these soldiers’ stories because they would seem too far-fetched. People climbing cliffs with ropes … more