As you may remember from my enews a few months ago, I’ve signed a deal for the next book in the saga of Fade—a character I’ve been silently obsessing about since I introduced him more than twenty years ago. Fast forward and I now have a solid first draft, a sneak peek at the story’s plot, and some details about my publisher.
I’ve also been answering plenty of fan emails about the series launch. It seems like everyone is asking the same question: when will it hit shelves?
The Plot
Ex-navy SEAL Salam al-Fayed—Fade to his friends—has already been declared clinically dead twice in his career, and when he allows a police sniper to shoot him, he’s hoping the third time will be the charm. Being slowly paralyzed by a bullet fragment in his spine and wanted by the authorities for wiping out a SWAT team he believed was a CIA hit squad, what other path is there?
When he wakes up from a lengthy coma, he’s confused and angry. Where did they teach these cops to shoot? Barely able to talk or move, he’s gone from being one of the most lethal operators in navy history to completely defenseless. He’d be put on trial, convicted, and condemned to spend the rest of his life lying in a prison infirmary.
So, when a shadowy private organization offers him a new identity and state-of-the-art medical care, he has no choice but to agree. Nothing’s free, though. After a grueling rehabilitation, he’s drafted into an elite paramilitary unit. But who’s in charge? And what’s the mission?
The first of those questions is quickly answered: A group of extraordinarily wealthy and powerful people have decided that the world’s governments are no longer capable of controlling the rising chaos around the globe. This power vacuum poses a mortal danger to all humanity and it’s one they intend to fill.
Their plan had been to move slowly but when a dire threat explodes out of China, there’s no more time for caution. Panic is spreading, exacerbated by politicians who are lashing out blindly and focused entirely on saving themselves.
Fade suddenly finds himself at the sharp end of a mission to stop a menace unlike any faced before. If he fails, the consequences will be unimaginable. But what if he succeeds?
No one elected the people he’s working for. And God sure as hell didn’t ordain them. Is it possible that he’s signed on to be a player in the quiet subjugation of the human race?
To him, the world really does seem like it’s falling apart. Widening political divisions, pointless wars, religious fundamentalism, media disinformation. But is this the solution? Would the world be better off ruled from the shadows by a small faction of elites? Or are they just another bunch of seductive megalomaniacs?
Authors Equity
One of the more interesting parts of my journey after leaving the Rapp franchise was the search for a publisher that’s as excited as I am about resurrecting Fade.
In a fortuitous coincidence, just as I was starting my new adventure, a group of industry heavy hitters were starting their own. Authors Equity was the result—a new publishing house built around innovation and disruptive ideas.
It seemed tailor made for me. I’ve always applauded people willing to take on the status quo, and their venture fit perfectly with my desire to do something completely different and energizing. With the industry in constant flux, signing on with a nimble organization backed by top talent was incredibly appealing. A way to get in on the ground floor of something new and compelling.
And it’s a partnership that’s started out spectacularly. We managed to recruit David Highfill to edit and bring his experience collaborating with giants like Lee Child, Stuart Woods, and Elmore Leonard. I’m really looking forward to working with him.
If you’d like to follow Authors Equity’s trajectory more closely, sign up for their Fair Share newsletter and receive updates.